CureHeart team in Oxford wows the public at Pint of Science Festival

pos may 2024 v3

Images courtesy of Pint of Science @  

Copyright © Julian Guidera.


On Wednesday the 15th of May Members of the Oxford CureHeart team including:

spoke at the National Science outreach event Pint of Science. Talking to a packed house at the St Aldates Tavern, our CureHeart researchers told the expectant crowd how we are using the latest technology and techniques to study complex inheritance patterns, deliver massive proteins and personalise genetic medical therapies for as many patients as possible as we strive in our aim to cure inherited cardiomyopathies.

The event was open to all and attended by doctors, scientists, patients, and members of the public interested in the latest genetic tools that we at CureHeart are beginning to align in place to correct inherited conditions in the heart.

 The feedback from the audience was one of great interest and hope for the future.