Background and Research Interests:
James is a Professor of Cardiovascular and Genomic Medicine at the National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London; an MRC Investigator at the London Institute of Medical Sciences; honorary Consultant Cardiologist at Royal Brompton Hospital and Hammersmith Hospital; and a Visiting Scientist at the Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard. He graduated from the University of Cambridge, trained clinically in London & Geneva, and pursued research training at Imperial College London, Harvard Medical School, and the Broad Institute, before starting a research group at Imperial.
James’ research aims to understand the impact of genetic variation on the heart and circulation, and to use genome information to improve patient care. Working with collaborators in the UK and internationally, his team are identifying new genes and pathways underlying inherited cardiovascular conditions, developing tools to discriminate between pathogenic and benign genetic variation, and evaluating genetic stratification for precision medicine.
James is also Director of the national MRC Cardiovascular Rare Disease Node and co-lead of the Cardiovascular Research Programme for Genomics England (GECIP).
Clinical interests included the management of Inherited Cardiac Conditions, the prevention of sudden cardiac arrest, and the broader application of genetics and genomics to healthcare.
Selected Publications:
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